Lately there is more and more noise about JavaScript. I believe that few programmers involved in web development still think of that implementation of ECMAScript as a additional language to have. It always was a must, but now it counts more than ever.
With HTML5 on its way to conquer client-side machines (and our minds), together with CSS3 painting brush and JavaScript as a magic wand, I realized that my skills needs to be re-prioritized.
Ruby on Rails, I consider, is a good path to follow. Having knowledge of SQL it's also a great feature while doing server-side work. But what I do (as a web developer) cannot be separated into client/server-side. There is a difference to be noticed and understood, but the big picture should contain both sides dancing together.
So I searched. Not that I was not searching before, but the emphasis changed. Lately I came across an article on InfoQ about new Javascript Frameworks Targeting HTML5.
Having in mind the upcoming Google's Chrome App Store Jo seems to be a great framework for JavaScript development. I really encourage to give it a shot and read as new ideas can light up. This is not another JavaScript framework, but something with what you can build a cross-platform web/desktop application (from DB use to GUI) using JavaScript.
Fantastic work was also done on modernizr. I was shocked by the simplicity of a thought of Faruk Ates:
We don't ask what browser it is, we simply ask: do you support (e.g.) border-radius? Do you support HTML5 Video? Do you support Geolocation? And so forth.
It makes me smile so gently. I loved the effect of opening their homepage in many different browsers. Especially in one that is responsible for neurosis in our community.
The approach of Jacob Wright from Simpli5 is also something I like. Why should bandwidth be used if you can just update your software? I would like sites that would popping up to users saying - "Hey! Your softwate is 9 years old now! Update!".
If you are like me, that you know how to do some work with JavaScript and how to use popular frameworks but do not feel like saying "Yes, I know how to use JavaScript well! I mastered it!" I recommand the book recommanded by the author of Jo framework - JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. This is the book that many should love for sentences like:
This book will not attempt to fully describe the language. Instead, it will focus on the good parts with occasional warnings to avoid the bad. (...) If you want to learn more about the bad parts and how to use them badly, consult any other JavaScript book.
In web programming the future is now as if someone stubs the time. Paying more attention to JavaScript can soon be rewarded.